
Introduction Eighteen years after the War of Independence Israel is still “licking its wounds.” Therefore the erection of memorial buildings was postponed for many years. The influx of immigrants created building emergencies so that the “dead had to wait”.

Now, eighteen years after the War, some buildings have been erected. Two of these buildings are presented here.

Israel has quietly been developing its scientific institutions—the most famous example being the Weizman Institute.

Lately a few structures have been erected there—one of them is shown here.

A library building in another institute is shown as well.

And of course business goes on as usual.

Office buildings rise up to “scrape the skies”. A new, rather controversial office building has been erected in Tel Aviv.

We might view it as an example of the revolt against the “Lever Building concept.” No longer a single slab on a pedestal— but rather a “Paul Rudolphian” scattered assemblage.

And lastly, we offer a building designed by one of the best architects modern Israel has known—the late Heinz Rau. It is the Hebrew Union College. This seems to be the sensitive creation of a very able and ripe architect.


Nahum Zolotov, architect Nizana Memorial

Dix-huit ans après la Guerre de l’Indépendance Israël qui a remis à plus tard son projet d’édification d’un Mémorial afin d’être à même de loger décemment la masse de ses immigrants propose quelques constructions incontestablement intéressantes, dont deux figurent dans cette revue.

Le pays a développé aussi ses institutions scientifiques (Institut Weizman, particulièrement), bibliothèque.

Certains immeubles commerciaux (Tel Aviv) incitent à la controverse mais l’unanimité se fait sur le Hebrew Union College, œuvre de l’un des meilleurs architectes modernes d’Israël, le regretté Heinz Rau.

Achtzehn Jahre nach dem Unabhängigkeitskrieg, schlägt Israel, das sein Bauprojekt eines Denkmales verschoben hat, um die Masse seiner Einwanderer in anßtändiger Weise beherbergen zu können, einige unbestreitbar interessante Konstruktionen vor, von denen wir zwei in dieser Revue zeigen Das Land hat auch seine wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen (besonders das Institut Weizmann, Bibliothek) gefördert.

Über gewisse Handelsgebäude (Tel Aviv) läßt sich streiten, jedoch ist man sich über das Hebrew Union College, ein Werk des besten modernen Architekten Israels, des verstorbenen Heinz Rau, einig.

Dieciocho aftos después de la Guerra de la Independencia Israel, que ha dejado para mas tarde su proyecto de edificación de un Memorial con el fin de estar en disposition de alojar decentemente la masa de sus inmigrantes, propone algunas construcciones incontestablemente interesantes, de las cuales figuran dos en este libro.

El pais ha desarrollado también sus instituciones cientificas (Instituto Weizman, particularmente), biblioteca.

Ciertos inmuebles comerciales (Tel Aviv) incitan a la controversia pero todos piensan en forma unànime con respecto al Hebrew Union College, obra de uno de los mejores arquitectos modernos de Israel, el lamentado Heinz Rau.

Diciott’annidopo la guerra d’indipendenza, Israele ha rinviato a più tardi il progretto di un memoriale, dato che il compito più urgente è quello di alloggiare decentemente la massa degli immigranti europei. Due edifici sono presentati in questa rivista: l’Istituto Weizman con la sua biblioteca è un esempio di costruzione a scopo scientifico, mentre lo Hebrew Union College, opera di uno dei migliori architetti del paese, il rimpianto Heinz Rau, ha sollevato l’entusiasmo generale.

Nahum Zolotov, architect Nizana Memorial

Rechter Zarhy, architects Peri, engineer Appartment for visiting scientists in the Weizmann Inst.


J. Lothan, Z. O. Thoren, architects Memorial « Jad Lebanim » Tel-Aviv


Arieh Sharon, B. Idelson, architects Forum of the Technion in Haifa Panoramic view: Sunken garden and piazza in the center.

Churchill Auditorium on the right, Library Building on the left



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Heinz Rau, architect Hebrew Union College

Photos, Keren-Or, Erde, I. Perçai, I. Zafrir, Jadeh


Aba El Hanani, architect

First Floor

Building of a library in a research institute

Ground Floor