
Harry Seidler's own house in Killara, IM.S.W.

Architects: Harry and Penelope Seidler.

Structural Consultants: P. 0. Miller, Milston & Ferris.

Lighting Consultant: Edison Price (New York).

Landscape Consultant: Bruce Mackenzie.

Contractor: Peter Cussel.

When two architects build a house, site and location are as important as the design. Sydney is a large city with sprawling suburbs and the desire to remain close to the city, yet have natural surroundings and a view of the water, sets considerable problems.

The site chosen is only 8 miles from the centre of the city and half a mile from a suburban station. It is surrounded by a natural bush reserve which ensures privacy. The site is very rugged and provides scope for a vertical' dimension. The slope is cut by large rock ledges and overshadowed by huge eucalyptus trees.

The land tilts east/west.

To avoid building a road that would have spoilt the setting the garage is at the top of the site.

The house is lower down and is approached by wide steps and a suspended entrance bridge from the top of a large ledge to the uppermost of the four half levels of the house.

The plan is essentially rectangular in outline but is divided into a sunny northern part of 'daytime active uses' and a shady southern part of 'quiet passive uses'. The division is made by the central half flights of steps connecting the various levels.