
The Reali School, Beit Biram, Haifa Architect: S. Gilead Consultants: Structure: N. Suraski Landscaping: Pollack Artist and forms in concrete: H. Ben-Zwi Electrical Engineering: R. Cohen Mechanical Installations: Y. Elisha The Reali School is a private educational institution, comprising the whole educational range of ages 6-18. It has schools in various parts of Haifa, and the three upper classes study at Beit Biram1, Mt. Carmel.

The number of students at Beit Biram is about 1000.

The present plan of Beit Biram is an outcome of an architectural competition, conducted after some early buildings existed already. Its main objectives:


1. Exploiting the natural advantages of the beautiful, spacious and wooded site; 2. Expressing in simple ways and clear routes the arrangement of the various components of the plan; 3. Use of the simplest basic and robust materials.

The parts executed until now are the wing of laboratories and classrooms, assembly hall, and sports grounds.

Buildings in planning: Sports hall and swimming pool, dining facilities, students' club and social facilities.

All the buildings executed are strung along a covered walk, with the various facilities accessible from it.

The overall material of the outer surfaces is exposed concrete, always in close contact and contrast with green, planted areas, wherever it reaches the ground.

The plastic properties of the material were exploited to the utmost in conveying the inner context of the buildings, either by using bold lettering to indicate the various parts, or by symbolic forms, cast in the concrete, expressing symbolically, what is happening behind this particular wall—biology, chemistry, physics or library.

The landscaping follows the main theme, by keeping it simple and straightforward.


Named after the founder of the school. Dr.


1. Typical inner court 2. Covered passage to bus terminal 3. The laboratories wing (from west)